and leave a comment and request for more formal services, maybe our voices can be heard. I once went to their addiction program meeting. It was great! (for them) but not really what I thought would help me. I bawled the whole time because I wished they had something like this for us that focused on our situation. Anyways... thanks!
Contact the LDS church
Hey folks, I don't know about you, but all my research including talking to family services and the church disability department has shown that there are NO offical church support groups for people with mental health issues. So for now, I guess we are on our own. However, if you would like to use this link https:// CustomerFeedback/ FeedbackResponse.aspx?id=183263 6&id2=424284&id3=840BAABCDE867 3DED9747053A89944E0
and leave a comment and request for more formal services, maybe our voices can be heard. I once went to their addiction program meeting. It was great! (for them) but not really what I thought would help me. I bawled the whole time because I wished they had something like this for us that focused on our situation. Anyways... thanks!
and leave a comment and request for more formal services, maybe our voices can be heard. I once went to their addiction program meeting. It was great! (for them) but not really what I thought would help me. I bawled the whole time because I wished they had something like this for us that focused on our situation. Anyways... thanks!