Dr. Emily Poff, M.D. Talks about BCD

Dr. Emily Poff, M.D.
"Brain chemistry deficiency, also known as mental illness, is a commonly misunderstood medical problem in our society. Like any other medical problem, BCD is an issue that often requires medical treatment. As a family physician I treat many common BCD issues, including depression and anxiety, with medications – in the same way I would treat diabetes or hypertension with medications. People suffering from BCD often times will also benefit from counseling, and in most cases I refer my patients to counselors to provide them with specific coping strategies to better handle their BCD. I always emphasize the importance of regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep and stress management. The effective treatment of other medical illness and/or coexisting pain is also essential to optimal treatment of BCD.
It is important for BCD patients to remember that they are not alone, and there is hope. Talk you your doctor if you are experiencing symptoms of BCD. Reach out to your support network. And above all remember that you are no less of a person because you have BCD, just as someone with cancer, heart disease or any other medical problem is no less of a person. "